. . and it all began while sippin’. .
Street social dinners began in early 2013 in los angeles, california. Marjorie and jevon met there while working together in the industry, he as sous chef and marjorie as an artisanal cocktail mixer. He of L.A. county, and & she of sonoma county roots. sipping scotch late one evening, as co workers do, they decided to combine their two passions. and, they created a beautiful intimate dinner paired with scotch focused cocktails. the response from the dinner guests was amazing! and street Social was officially established.
The aim . .
To provide damn good food, highlighting seasonal and local fare with influences from all over the country. To concoct a delicious drink with artisanal spirits that expands your experience of the spirit and the food. To have all those invited eat, drink and be social at their Street Social.
And the story continued . . following Los angeles Street SOcial had A brief stint on the central coast, followed by a move further North to sonoma county. In the end of 2016 the family of four found a place to put their roots down.
January 01, of 2020 their dream of a Street Social brick & mortar became a reality.
and now. . .you are invited.

Dinner tuesday - Friday 5:30 until 9:00
Street Social Bottle shop is now open for bottles out the door whenever we are open for dinner! All bottleshop bottles are 25% off of list price according to availability.